March 24, 2013

Ah I love it!

Elder Porter came and talked to us. It was so amazing!!! He taught about the first principles of the gospel: faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. It was so great! The Spirit was so strong! I love how simple the gospel truly is!
Went on companionship exchanges. I traded with another companion for 24 hrs. It was great to see how a ward works and everything. I also got to see one of my best friends from the MTC. So it was great!

Miracle: An appointment fell through so we went to our back up plans. And we tracked into this lady who was so prepared.The Spirit was so strong and everything we felt we should say was exactly what she needed to hear. She was crying as we talked to her. She could not wait to read the Book of Mormon! The Spirit was so strong!
I am now allowed to e-mail family and friends also!!!
I am so grateful for this opportunity to testify of Jesus Christ everyday! Ah I love it! Nothing can make us more happy and bring more joy into our lives than the gospel
 of Jesus Christ! Ah I love it! I love how much we can grow once we do His will. I love this gospel. I love this church! I love this opportunity to serve a mission! I love it!

 I miss you all and love you all so much!!!!!!
Love Always, 
Sister McDougle

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